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篇名 寬視野低風阻省油車新設計概念之可行性分析
卷期 11:2
並列篇名 Feasibility Analysis of a Novel Design Concept for Supermileage Cars with Wide Vision and Low Drag
作者 巫均運王嘉聖吳佩學楊旻洲胡浩瑀張智斐
頁次 025-033
關鍵字 超級省油車高視野風阻係數Supermileage carswide field of viewdrag coefficient
出刊日期 201509


為了減少行車風阻,以往國內外超級省油車車型皆採用細長、流線型且低車身的設計,造成駕駛視野狹隘與駕駛舒適度不佳。欲克服此問題,本研究探討高視野與舒適坐姿的省油車設計概念,打造出短軸距且高車身設計之車體外型,藉由ANSYS STATIC STRUCTURAL 與ANSYS FLUENT 等軟體,從車架結構應力與轉彎時同時受離心力與最大側風是否翻車等兩方面進行安全性分析,並與先前低車身省油車設計在直行的風阻係數方面做比較,以驗證本概念性車型的可行性,期能使省油車在未來能有不同以往的發展概念。


To reduce running resistance, the external shape of supermileage cars previously employed slender, streamlined, and low-height design concepts, resulting in a narrow field of view and low driver comfort. To overcome these problems, this study investigated a novel design concept for widening the field of view and improving drive comfort, and developed a new car shape with a short axle distance and attractive appearance. The feasibility of the proposed design was verified from the aspects of frame stress, rollover safety when subjected to the maximum crosswind and centrifugal acceleration while cornering, and by comparing the drag coefficient of the present with that of previous low-height cars while driving in a straight line. The analysis was conducted using ANSYS STATIC STRUCTURAL and ANSYS FLUENT software. The results of this study may inspire new design concepts for developing supermileage cars in the future.
