
華語文教學研究 THCI

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篇名 藉學習者口語語料庫探究日籍生常見的華語語音偏誤與教學建議
卷期 12:3
並列篇名 An Error Analysis on Japanese Learners’ Chinese Pronunciation with the Aid of Chinese Learners’ Oral Corpus
作者 方淑華陳慶華王敬淳楊惠媚陳浩然
頁次 093-123
關鍵字 學習者口語語料庫華語語音偏誤分析中介語音日籍華語學習者Chinese Learners’ Oral CorpusChinese phonetics and phonologyerror analysisinterlanguage phonologyJapanese learners of ChineseTHCI
出刊日期 201509




Instead of using general experimental data collected as research stimuli, this study aims to analyze the phonological errors that Japanese learners of Chinese frequently make by using Chinese Learners’ Oral Corpus. After obtaining and analyzing the corpus data, this study ranks the error type frequency on different Chinese consonants and vowels to suggest a broader view of the interlanguage phonology of Japanese learners. The error type ranking suggests that the post-alveolar retroflex consonants /zh/, /ch/, /sh/, /r/ in initials and the rounded vowels /u/ in finals are the most common errors for Japanese learners. Based on this error type analysis, several pedagogical suggestions aimed at Japanese learners are further proposed to enhance the effectiveness of Chinese phonetics teaching.
