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篇名 精神障礙者身體活動參與影響因子與促進方案- 文獻回顧
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 Factors Relating to Physical Activity Participation and Promotion Programs in Individuals with Severe Mental Illness-A Literature Review
作者 陳明德Ming-De Chen易榮宣Jung-Hsuan郭昶志郭明慧歐千芸張雁晴
頁次 007-024
關鍵字 精神疾病體能活動運動健康促進參與Mental disorderPhysical activityExerciseHealth promotionParticipationTSCI
出刊日期 201506


嚴重精神障礙者(精障者)與一般族群相較有較差的健康狀況,研究已顯示 規律的身體活動參與可產生重要的健康效益,但目前對於身體活動在精障者的健 康效益研究仍有限。由於此族群的身體活動參與度普遍欠佳,了解影響其參與的 重要阻礙因子或促進因子是發展此族群有效的身體活動促進方案的關鍵步驟。本 文回顧5 篇個別研究及1 篇系統性文獻回顧,發現多數研究著重在阻礙因子的發 掘,較少討論促進因子;個人層面又較環境層面得到較多的了解。文中亦提供數 個精障者身體活動參與促進方案供臨床人員參考,並列出四個未來研究方向,包 括 (1) 發展精障者專屬身體活動參與影響因子量表,(2) 探討精障者在運動團體 的實際運動強度,(3) 提升精障者每日身體活動量,以及 (4) 科技的協助與提醒。 期待未來有更多職能治療專業人員投注此領域,讓精障者能藉由規律的身體活動 帶來更健康的生活。


The health of people with severe mental illness (SMI) is poorer than the general population. Studies have showed regular physical activity (PA) can lead to several health benefits; however, there are limited studies investigating the health benefits of PA in people with SMI. Since the PA participation of people with SMI is generally low, identifying the significant factors associated with the participation of PA is one of key components in developing effective PA programs for individuals with SMI. This paper reviewed 5 individual studies and 1 systematic review and found that most studies focused on the identification of barriers rather than facilitators. There is more understanding on the personal factors than environmental factors. This paper also discussed few physical activity promotion programs. Finally, four suggestions for future research were listed, including (1) to develop a questionnaire specific to PA participation for people with SMI; (2) to investigate the actual exercise intensity during the regular exercise group in mental health rehabilitation settings; (3) to improve daily physical activity participation of people with SMI; and (4) to apply the technology to improve PA participation. More occupational therapy professionals are needed in this understudied field in order to improve the health conditions of people with SMI by regular physical activity.
