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篇名 自閉症類群障礙症孩童休閒活動參與和社會化能力之關係
卷期 33:1
並列篇名 Leisure Participation and its Relation to Social Competence in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
作者 蔣瑋齊曾美惠蕭稑錡
頁次 045-070
關鍵字 休閒活動參與社會化能力自閉症類群障礙症Leisure participationSocial competenceAutism Spectrum DisorderTSCI
出刊日期 201506


休閒活動是孩童生活重要的一部分,是學齡孩童學習、增進感覺動作、認知 經驗,促進心智和社會化能力發展的重要媒介,自閉症類群障礙症孩童 (Autism Spectrum Disorder, ASD) 之休閒活動參與可能因其社會互動、社會溝通與刻板/ 固著的興趣和行為之核心症狀而受限。然而迄今仍無研究探討國內ASD 孩童之休 閒活動參與特色,以及休閒活動參與程度與孩童社會化能力 (social competence) 之關係。本研究收案對象為三十名學齡ASD 孩童及三十名正常發展孩童。以兒童 生活參與評估量表 (Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment, CAPE) 評量孩童休閒活動參與情形,並以文蘭適應行為量表 (Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Chinese version, VABS-C) 之社會化分量表評量孩童社會化能力。以探討學 齡ASD 孩童之(一)休閒活動參與模式與一般發展孩童的差異,和(二)休閒活 動參與及社會化能力的關係。結果顯示ASD 孩童之整體休閒活動參與,於參與強 度之分數顯著低於正常孩童。而ASD 孩童之休閒活動參與多樣性和參與強度與孩 童社會化能力呈顯著相關。研究結果有助於臨床工作者或照護者瞭解ASD 孩童休 閒活動參與之限制,以及社會化能力對休閒活動參與之影響,並作為臨床工作者 擬定介入方案之參考,以促進ASD 孩童之休閒活動參與。


Leisure participation is a crucial part of the daily life of children. By participating in leisure activities, children learn, gain sensory-motor and cognitive experiences, and develop their intellectual abilities and social competence. The leisure participation of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is often limited by their core symptoms, (i.e., deficits in social interaction and social communication, and repetitive/restricted interests and behaviors). However, no studies have investigated the characteristics of leisure participation or the relationship between leisure participation and social competence in children with ASD in Taiwan. This study examined 30 children with ASD and 30 typically developing children to explore the characteristics of child participation in leisure activities and the relationship between leisure participation and children’s social competence. The Children’s Assessment of Participation and Enjoyment was used to measure leisure participation, and the socialization domain of the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (Chinese version) was used to measure the social competence of children. The results revealed that children with ASD had lower levels of participation regarding overall intensity than those of typically developing children. Both the overall diversity and overall intensity of participation were significantly related to the social competence of children with ASD. The findings of this study could inform caregivers and clinicians of the limitations of children and influence of social competence on leisure participation. The results could also guide clinicians in designing intervention strategies to promote leisure participation in children with ASD.
