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篇名 父母理財教導對國中生理財素養與理財 行爲關係之研究
卷期 23
並列篇名 Influence of parental financial teaching on financial literacy and financial behaviors of junior high school students
作者 曾永清呂秋萍
頁次 139-172
關鍵字 父母理財教導理財素養理財行為financial behaviorsfinancial literacyparental financial teaching
出刊日期 201409
DOI 10.6231/CEL.2014(23) 04


家庭是大多數孩子理財知識的來源,家庭對於理財素 養和行爲的影響已引起大家的興趣。本研究的目的在於評 估父母理財教導對他們的孩子的理財素養和行爲的影響。 本研究利用設計的問卷,由新北市19所國民中學取得學生 樣本。研究發現國中學生的理財素養在「消費與信用」觀 察變項表現最佳;理財行爲在「信用與借贷」觀察變項表 現最佳。國中學生父親學歷越高、閲讀財經訊息頻率越頻 繁、與家人討論財經問題越頻繁,其理財素養與理財行爲 表現越好。本研究SEM估計發現,父母理財教導會直接與顯著地影響到其孩子的理財素養(因素負荷爲.31),同時 亦直接與間接地影響到其孩子的理財行爲(因素負荷爲.28 與.21)。此外,理財素養對理財行爲具有部分的中介效果。


The family is the source of most of a child's financial knowledge, there has been a growing interest among educators and families in improving financial literacy and behaviors. The purpose of this research is to assess the parental influence on the financial literacy and behaviors of their children. This research was conducted through the designed questionnaires, which were sent to 19 middle-schools in New Taipei City. The findings of the research showed that students displayed good sense on "consumption and credit" of financial literacy and on "credit and debt" of financial behavior. The variables such as parent academic background, frequency of discussing financial issues with parent and reading financial information from home, have significant difference in students' financial literacy and behaviors. The SEM results indicated that perceived parental teaching had a direct significant influence on financial literacy (loading estimate= .31), and had a direct and indirect significant influence on financial behavior (loading estimate = .28 and .21). Finally, financial literacy had partially mediated effects on financial behaviors.
