
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 從知識建構觀點解析個案教學
卷期 17:3
並列篇名 Analyzing Case Teaching 企om the Viewpoint of Knowledge Construction
作者 司徒達賢
頁次 004-022
關鍵字 知識知識建構個案教學法學習knowledgeknowledge constructioncase methodlearningTSSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.3966/199582342015091703001


傳統教學是以講授方式來為學生轉述 『資訊」或類似資訊的知戳,然而此一功 能已逐漸被宣聯網所取代。解決方案之一 是在教學方法上採用更多個案討論,以互 動方式協助學生提升「聽說讀想』,以及 決策與行動的能力。 本文並未深入fl 紹個案教學的進行方 法,而是試圖從「知讀」與「學習」的角 度為互動式個東教學提供較具理論性的思 考方向,並希望藉此解釋個案教學進行方 式與各種技巧背後的道理。本文首先區別 「資訊』、「知戰」及「獲得知詣的能力 與習慣」三者的意義,進而指出其中第三 項「獲得知諧的能力與習慣」是指學習、 整合、靈活應用、修正本身知融體系之能 力,也包括了建構與創造知諧的能力、習 慣與心態。對商管學院的學生而言,這些 能力與習慣不僅十分重要,同時也聞該經 司徒達賢a 回E動式個案教學來強化。 本文借用「建構論」的概念,台析 「做中學」輿「從互動討論申學習」時, 經由『比對」等作法,吸收、整合、劃新 知詣的心智過程,進而說明個案教學過程 中的各種作法,包括課前分組討論、上課 時教師的提問與引導、要求學生專心聆 聽,以及要求學生嘗試提出完整講述及理 由等,其實都是協助學生提升上述各項能 力的重要方式。而教師的提問水準以及本 身的知能成長,也與其建構知識的能力密 切相關。


Traditionally teachers lecture and deliver information or para-information knowledge in class. However, this delivering function of teachers will be gradually replaced by students* easy access to the internet. In reaction to this new trend, one of the solutions is to adopt case method, substituting the interactive discussion for lecturing, in order to develop students* capability, including the ability in listening, spe-akmgs reading, and thinking. This paper attempts to provide a theoretical foundation for the interactive case teachings and tries to divide the content of teaching into three parts, namely, information, knowledge, and the capability of acquiring knowledge. The so-called capability of acquiring knowledge refers to oness ability to leam, integrate, apply and modify knowledge either from others or from his own experience. It also includes one5s ability in knowledge construction and creation. And this ability is not only important but also the critical part teachers can assist students to build through case teaching. Having clarified the meaning of knowledge and capability, this paper borrows from the concepts of constructivism to analyze learning by doing and by class interaction, and try to analyze the mental process of absorbing, integrating, and creating knowledge through the method of ^compare and contrasf, between one's own belief and his new experience, including others' opinions. This paper also dwells on the pedagogy employed in the process of case-teaching,such as pre-class group-discussions, in-class discussions by Q&A, students* elaboration during a discussion, and their attentive listening to others, all of which help students elevate their abilities in acquiring knowledge or capability. Having comprehended these concepts behind the case method, teachers would have a better grasp of its spirit in practicing. Finally,quality of teaching mainly depends upon the teacher* s own knowledge construction ability.
