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篇名 初鐵選手比賽困境的意義詮釋
卷期 7:1
並列篇名 Interpretations of difficulties encountered by First-time Triathletes
作者 張國彬倪子翔
頁次 102-110
關鍵字 鐵人三項運動經驗初鐵TriathlonSport ExperienceFirst Time Triathlon
出刊日期 201509




In recent years, in order to encourage first-time triathletes to challenge difficulties, the number of first-time triathlon awards has been soaring among Taiwanese triathlons. It is never facile for these first-time triathletes to deal with various challenging situations in competitions. This paper attempts to study all kinds of difficulties encountered by first-time triathletes in competitions as well as the function of difficulty interpretation. By the narratives of triathlon competition experience found in books, and blogs, we find that the difficulties of competitions encountered by first-time triathletes lie in four key issues of physical fitness and technique and strategy and psychology. These difficulties not only help first-time triathletes to explore the limit of potentiality, adding a colorful touch of contestants’ competition experiences, but also emphasize the charismas of triathlons.
