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篇名 何足道哉:《倚天屠龍記》中張無忌的原型及其領悟
卷期 17
並列篇名 The archetype of Zhang Wuji and his initiation: a study of Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre
作者 陳岸峰
頁次 118-134
關鍵字 金庸張無忌秦瓊程咬金白娘子JinyongZhang WujiQin QiongCheng Yaojinthe White Snake
出刊日期 201503


一般論述均認為張無忌的性格兒女情長、優柔寡斷。事實上,金庸在《倚 天屠龍記》中乃以多個古典小說中的人物的性格及形象塑造張無忌,甚至部分情 節亦有所挪用。在原型的移植與情節的挪用之外,金庸從一開始便以「何足道哉」 的思想貫穿全書,讓歷盡劫難的張無忌將此寬容博愛的思想推展至極致,從而令 其在俠客之中獨樹一幟,復亦為《倚天屠龍記》在武俠小說中找到了突破之所在。


Zhang Wuji was generally described as immersed in love and indecisive in action. In fact, Zhang Wuji5s background and character was transplanted from some figures in classical fictions, some of the plots of these fictions were adapted too. Besides, Jinyong made Zhang wuji who experienced all the dangers as the practitioner of the thought of forgiveness and universal love, which made him become the unique one in the world of swordsman, as well as a breakthrough for Heaven S^word and Dragon Sabre in martial fictions.
