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篇名 臺灣「眷村」的歷史形成與社會差異:列管眷村與自力眷村的比較
卷期 57增刊
並列篇名 The Historical Formation and Social Differences of Chuan-Tsuan in Taiwan: A Comparison of Registered and Self-supported Military Communes
作者 李廣均
頁次 129-172
關鍵字 眷村列管眷村自力眷村大陸來臺軍人外省人Chuan-TsuanRegistered military communeSelf-supported military communeMainland-born soldierMainlanderMEDLINETSSCI
出刊日期 201509




This paper explores the historical formation and social differences of Chuan-Tsuan in Taiwan in order to re-shape our understanding of its emergence and diversity. Attention is given to both registered and selfsupported military communes. The author claims that it is analytically necessary to distinguish between registered and self-supported military communes in order to achieve a solid understanding of the historical links and socio-demographic characteristics between the two types. Such an effort challenges a binary ethnic stereotype based on cultural homogeneity. It is claimed that the Chuan-Tsuan definition used by the Taiwan Ministry of Defense not only ignores the diversity of Chuan-Tsuan in this country, but also reifies the immigration and settlement experiences of those who moved to Taiwan in or just before 1949.
