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篇名 文化創意設計課程融入服務學習之探討與應用
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Discussion and Application of Cultural and Creative Design Courses into Service Learning
作者 蔣政衛謝易瑕
頁次 031-052
關鍵字 文化產業升級文化創意服務學習Cultural industries upgradeCultural creationService Learning
出刊日期 201303


創意與設計應用於文化產業,已經十分普及且也有良好的行銷效果。但是目 前的研究裡卻較少針對文化生活學習與實務應用設計進行討論。因此,本研究針 對具設計背景的大專學生參與文化創意設計課程融入服務學習之經驗,以融入服 務學習的概念,讓學生從生活中體驗文化,並且將設計的專業技能幫助淡水「福 佑宮」,進行文化創意設計與行銷。本研究將課程融入服務學習模式,讓學生在環 境中服務與學習,深入了解其文化特性與市場需求,進行設計與行銷。研究結果 可歸納為五方面:一、有效增進對文化學習效率,二、促進個人發展與文化的認 知,三、培養公民意識與責任感,四、對社會的貢獻,五、增進文化創意的設計 能力。其研究結果學生對於增進學習效率、促進個人發展、學習公民責任、和貢 獻社會的滿意分數,有顯著的差異。代表學生對於應用文化創意設計,義務的為 社會來付出,有不同的見解與想法。 另外,被服務的單位,也針對學生服務與設計的過程給予三方面的建議:一、 文化創意設計的成效,二、主動積極的態度,三、虛心學習與合作精神。其研究 結果並沒有顯著的差異,代表合作單位對於學生在服務學習上的表現,大至上都 感滿意,且給予正面的評價。依據研究結果,提出修正課程大綱與内容,以增進 學生公民服務的責任心與專業設計技能的提升。


Aapplying creation and design to the cultural industry, has been very popular and have good marketing results. However, the current study is actually less for the cultural life of learning and the practical application of design discussions. Therefore, this study design for college students who participate in the cultural and creative design courses into service learning experience and allow students to experience the culture from the life and design expertise in order to help Tamsui「Fu-Yo Temple」to do the cultural creative design and marketing. In this study,the curriculum into learning mode,students service and learn around the environment, and in-depth they understand their cultural identity and market demand. The results can be summarized into five areas: (1) to promote cultural learning efficiency, (2) to promote personal development and cultural awareness, (3) to cultivate civic consciousness and responsibility, (4) to contribute for the community, and (5) to enhance the capacity of the cultural and creative design. The results find that the students, to enhance learning efficiency, personal development, civic responsibility and contribution for society's satisfaction, have a significant difference. There are different opinions and ideas about the application of cultural and creative design and the obligation for society to pay. Service units also given three recommendations for student services and design process: (1) the effectiveness of the cultural and creative design, (2) proactive attitude, (3) learning from the spirit of cooperation. The results show that there are no significant differences on behalf of the co-operation with the performance of the students in the service learning large supreme sense of satisfaction, and positive assessment. Based on the findings, the research will propose amendments to the syllabus content in order to enhance the sense of responsibility and professional design skills upgrading student civic service.
