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篇名 政府置入性行銷規範之研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Research of Government Placement Marketing Norms
作者 侯世傑梁鎧麟
頁次 053-069
關鍵字 置入性行銷政令宣導人民知的權利言論自由Placement MarketingGovemment propagandaThe people's right to knowFreedom of speech
出刊日期 201303


近年來政府運用現代廣告行銷方式來進行置入性行銷,將所要推動的政策或 政績滲透進入相關節目中,其背後雖有公共利益之正當理由支持,但也引起政府 從事言論活動之界限為何之質疑。本研究由現行政府置入性行銷及比較法觀點進 行分析,採取文獻研究法、與比較研究法以對照英美兩國之作為進行研究。先介紹置入性行銷之概念;其次探討英、美兩國置入性行銷之規範;再對政府置入性 行銷與公共利益之衝突進行分析;而後提出政府置入性行銷之策進,以便找出其 真相以確立可行之規範方向。


"Placement Marketing" is the major policy advocating by Government. Although this way has a ample argument is “Public Interest”,but many researchers point that could over expand expression of Government's opinion. In this study, government has the obligation to expose policy information to people. Authors suggest that government must indicate information resource. Otherwise,“Placement Marketing” will violation Order of democratic values and Party competition fairness. In the sum, legislation to information Disclosure,transparency of information, Program editing,News production Autonomous Maintenance is the important way in ^Placement Marketing^. In this study,analysis of “Placement Marketing” by the current government and comparative law perspective, to take documentary research and control in Britain and the United States, as a comparative study to study. First introduced the concept of “Placement Marketing”; explore the "Placement Marketing55 in Britain, the United States followed by the specification; analysis of the government “Placement Marketing” public interest conflicts; then asked the government placement marketiiig strategy into order find out the truth in order to establish a viable normative direction.
