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篇名 臺灣推展醫療觀光政策之研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 The Study ofPromote Medical Tourism Policy In Taiwan
作者 潘連鄉賴凱堯
頁次 070-082
關鍵字 醫療觀光國際醫療專區健康照護醫療政策medical tourismarea for intemational medical touristshealth caremedical policy
出刊日期 201303


醫療觀光(medical tourism)產業是當今全球成長最快的產業之一,由於歐美先 進國家之健康照護費高、保險費增加、等候醫療之時間冗長等因素,使得歐美人 士積極尋求費用低且兼具品質的地方接受醫療,此一趨勢更為全球醫療觀光產業 增添動力。故如何針對臺灣醫療業未來的發展,將優質醫療行銷於國際,使「顧客走進來、醫療走出去」,吸引國際人士到臺灣接受醫療服務,政府應該推動此一政策並修正相關法律,並且設立「國際醫療專區」,使醫療能成為一種產業,帶動臺灣醫療相關產業進步、創造醫療體系的永續經營之未來。


Medical tourism is one of the fastest grown industry world-wide. Many countries and regions have become well-known all over the world, in which Taiwan is among. Due to the fact that people in developed countries, like EU and the States, face very high medical care expense, increasing health insurance cost, long waiting periods for treatment, they are seeking for places that provide certain level of medical quality with comparatively low price. This is the motivation for the booming of global medical tourism. This study analyze current situation of medical tourism in Taiwan, and using documentary review and cases study of the practice of neighbor countries to develop suggestions for the promotion of the policy of medical tourism in Taiwan.
