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篇名 尋找重建公共空間的路徑:從微博公共知識分子的公共性放逐談起
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 Exploring for path of reconstruction of public space: The Exile of Publicity of Public Intellectuals in Micro-blog Space
作者 吳建忠林威克洪于婷
頁次 083-095
關鍵字 微博公共知識分子公共性話語權Micro-BlogPublic IntellectualPublicityThe Right ofDiscourse
出刊日期 201303


在全球化時代,隨著資本的迅速流動和擴張,消費主義橫行,權力與政治分 離,個體的政治冷漠導致逐漸喪失公民的資格,呈現單極化的生存狀態,私人憂 慮難以轉化為公共問題,原來的公共空間被私人問題殖民化。本文對社會發展和 人類命運的深切關懷之心,從微博公共知識份子視角努力探索個體回歸公民與重 建公共空間的路徑。公共知識份子正回應微博技術的賦權,參與公共話語的表達, 其微博生存存在多方面的問題和隱憂。公共知識份子應積極介入微博空間,秉持批判與道義傳統,以特殊知識份子的身份,進行中觀和微觀政治話語的表達,彰 顯自身的中心話語權力,相應調整話語策略,推動公民交往理性和公民社會的建構。努力消解對其虛妄公共性的質疑,實現自我身份和公共價值的重新認同和構建


In the era of globalization, with the rapid flow and expansion of capital , rampant consumerism,power’s separation from politics , and individual political apathy lead to gradual loss of citizenship and the individualized existence so that it is difficult for the private concern to change into public issues, and the original public space is colonized by the private issue. This article with deep concern for social development and human fate, made efforts to explore for the path of individuals returning to citizens and reconstruction of public space from Public Intellectual. Some public intellectuals are responding to empowering from micro-blog technique traits and participating in the expression of public discourse. Their power of discourse in micro-blog space have many problems and shortage. Public intellectuals should actively get involved in micro-blog and make full use of it. They should turn to be special intellectuals and adhere to judgment and righteous tradition » and make the expression of middle and microcosmic discourse for showing chief discourse power. At the same time » they should adjust their discourse strategy and promote the construction of citizen association rationality and citizen social. For purpose ? they can eliminate the disbelieve about their illusion publication from public and social » and realize re-identify and re-construction of their ego-identity and public-value.
