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篇名 以轉換型領導為觀點-探討牧羊人領導、僕人式領導與德行領導
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 A Study of the Relationships of Shepherd Leadership, Servant Leadership, and Moral Leadership: from the Perspective of Transformational Leadership
作者 劉廷揚許祺妮
頁次 096-111
關鍵字 轉換型領導牧羊人領導僕人式領導德行領導transfomiational leadershipshepherd leadershipservant leadershipmoral leadership
出刊日期 201303




The concept “Outstanding leadership to drive the sustainability of an organization” has been a very popular topic recently. This research meant to explore the relationship of shepherd leadership, servant leadership, and moral leadership in a view point of transformational leadership. There are many similarities and uniqueness of these four leadership styles. These leadership styles all present different philosophy connotation and developed from different era. Besides, they could be divided into two behavior models,namely “shaping subordinates” and “shaping culture”,which means that leaders should pay attention to both personal growth and organizational sustainability. Leaders not only have to focus on both external situation changes but also the development of the affection of members within an organization. In addition, they should have empathy and respect personal differences, being ambitious and visionaiy, and lead subordinates to improve performance and toward the organizational mission. That's the best way to create the win-win of both personal and organization!
