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篇名 英文系大學生在多益聽力測驗中所使用應答策略之研究
卷期 6:1
並列篇名 A Study of English Majors5 Strategy Use on the TOEIC Listening Comprehension Test
作者 陳柏安蘇佳君
頁次 125-140
關鍵字 英文本科系大學生多益考試質性研究法聽力應考策略Nvivo高成就學生低成就學生English majorsTOEIC testqualitative approachlistening comprehension strategieshigh-achieving studentslow-achieving students
出刊日期 201303


聽力應考策略通常被考生廣範的運用在考取一些國際性的語言證照考試上(多 益測驗及托福測驗等)。為了研究英文本科系大學生們使用多益聽力策略,研究者 採用質性研究法來比較大學生對於多益聽力測驗中所運用之應答策略的相異處。 研究者使用一般性訪談導引法(general interview guide approach)來收集質性的資 料。而質性分析軟體Nvivo則被用來管理及分析研究過程中的非數值性的資料。 研究預計可以帶來下列貢獻:第一,研究結果發現已經通過中級門檻的高成就學生 常使用記憶策略及認知策略來做聽力測驗。相對的低成就的學生較習慣使用補 償策略來來做聽力測驗。第二,研究結果顯示在聽力測驗的第三及第四部分,女 學生比男學生使用較多的情意策略。最後,研究成果可以給予現在及未來教授多 益的教師一些建議去增進他們學生的聽力能力。


Listening strategies are broadly used by students to assist them comprehend and solve problems on international standardized English proficiency tests such as TOEFL and TOEIC. In attempting to uncover strategies that English majors preferred to engage in the listening Part of the TOEIC test, the researcher tried to use a qualitative approach to compare the listening comprehension strategies used by Taiwanese Applied English majors when taking the listening part of the TOEIC test. The general interview guide approach was used to collect qualitative data. Nvivo was used as a tool to manage and to analyze the qualitative data. The research findings can provide some benefits as following. First, high-achieving students frequently used memory strategies and cognitive strategies to answer questions of the TOEIC listening tests, and low-achieving students frequently used compensation strategies to answer questions. Second, the findings show that female students used more affective strategies than male students when taking Part 3 (conversation) and Part 4 (talks). Results from the present study can contribute to improving TOEIC instructors5 knowledge and skills in developing students’ listening abilities.
