
戶外遊憩研究 TSSCI

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篇名 恐懼的變數:日夜變化對眺匿平衡的影響
卷期 28:3
並列篇名 Controlling Factors of Fear: The Effect of Day-and-Night Changing on Prospect- Refuge Balance
作者 施景堯周紓帆鄭佳昆
頁次 093-120
關鍵字 眺匿理論恐懼感眺望藏匿FearProspectProspect-Refuge TheoryRefugeTSSCI
出刊日期 201509
DOI 10.6130/JORS.2015.28(3)4


Appleton (1975)的眺匿理論基於生物「偵測威脅」與「迴避威 脅」本能,認為提供眺望及藏匿特性的環境應較受偏好。眺匿理論雖有多 方研究,卻經常有解釋與脈絡不一的問題,特別是Appleton所提出眺匿於 日間夜間主客反轉的戲劇效果以及直接與間接的觀點並沒有受到太多實証 研究的重視。本研究目的即檢視Appleton的眺匿理論及相關學說,以釐清 眺匿理論對恐懼感及偏好的效果。 本研究採照片問卷法進行,針對大學校園中6個地點的日夜照片進行眺望、 藏匿、偏好及恐懼的評估。結果顯示景觀的眺望特質可增進景觀偏好、減 少恐懼;而藏匿特質反之。儘管受測者對直接和間接無法明顯的區分,但 部分驗證Appleton的日夜反轉效果,在日夜間各評價有顯著差異,夜間較 日間更偏好眺望特質而較不偏好藏匿特質。本結果可補充相關之文獻並應 用於景觀規劃。


The prospect-refuge theory is based on the human nature of detecting and avoiding threats and believing that environment with the characters of “prospect” and “refuge” preferred. Appleton suggested that the value of “prospect” and “refuge” changes from the shifting of day and night. The theory is widely cited, but there were often problems caused by differences in the interpretations and context, especially as regards the issue of day and night. This study examines the effects of prospect-refuge factors on emotional assessment and the changes caused by the shifting of day and night as proposed by Appleton. A photo-based survey was conducted for this study. Six locations on a university campus were selected and photographed during the day and the night. On-site respondents were requested to record their feelings as regards prospect, refuge, preference, and fear towards the scenes in the pictures. Results showed that prospect characteristics can increase landscape preference and reduce fear, whereas refuge characteristics evoked exactly the opposite feelings. Alternatively, these effects were observed to be stronger at night. However, the differences between primary and secondary perspectives of prospect-refuge factors were obvious, which suggests it may be difficult for people to differentiate between these two perspectives. We also have partially confirmed that the day-night switching effect proposed by Appleton. Differences were found between day and night for the research variables. At night, in particular, subjects were found to prefer “prospect” characteristics rather than “refuge” characteristics. The study suggests landscape design projects need to be careful of lighting environments at night as well as to consider the double-edged features of refuge characteristics.
