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篇名 圖書館建築與用後評估研究
卷期 1:4
並列篇名 Library Building and Post-Occupancy Evaluation
作者 陳格理 Ko-li Chen
頁次 017-030
關鍵字 圖書館建築用後評估建築設計建築規劃Library buildingPost-Occupancy EvaluationArchitectural designBuilding programming
出刊日期 199710


影響圖書館建築發展的因素很多,能否爲規劃設計者提供充份而適切的資訊 (料)是其中重要的項目。目.前國内有關圖書館建築方面的資料尚停留在提供基 本資料的階段。換言之,國内尚缺乏以用後評估結果爲主的參考性資料。用後評 估資料是有系統的彙整圖書館的使用者(包括館員)對館舍中各種硬體設施的使 用後意見。這些資料可以幫助設計者做成合乎需求與理想的決策,並爲館員提供 充份的資料以便與設計者溝通。缺少了這類的資料,設計者較不易做成適切而合 乎需求的決定,甚至重蹈前人的覆轍,浪費設計資源,阻礙了圖書館在建築發展 上的進步。想要解決這些的問題,一方面應鼓勵相關的研究工作以發掘更多的資 料,另一方面須促使研究資料的公開與交流,使圖書館界與建築界能充份的利用 這些資料以互蒙其利從而提昇圖書館在碌體方面的品質與服務績效。


The lack of sufficient information available for designers* decision-making is one of the most important factors to influence the performance of library facilities. Most of the data used in library design is still as basic Building Standards. The obvious consequence of this lack of reference information for Post-Occupancy Evaluation(POE) is that designers tend to repeat similar mistakes and waste design resources and obstruct the progression of library-building. These problems can be solved by encouraging the researchers to explore more data as well as to promote the disclosure and flow of data. Thus people who work in the field of library science and architecture can fully employ such data to improve library's hardware quality, its service and efficiency.
