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篇名 文獻展現次序對讀者相關判斷影響之研究
卷期 1:4
並列篇名 An Empirical Study of the Influence of Document Presentation Order on Users' Judgments of Document Relevance
作者 王慧玉 Hui-yu Wang
頁次 094-120
關鍵字 文獻展現次序相關判斷次序效應赌注效應Document presentation orderRelevance judgmentOrder effectsHedging effect
出刊日期 199710


隨著資訊時代的來臨,電腦資訊檢索系統之重要性與日俱增,而良好系統之 設計與評估實有賴對讀者相關判斷行爲之研究。在影響相關判斷的眾多因素中, 文獻展現次序這項變數是系統所易於控制的,且許多研究發現,訊息呈現次序的 不同可能導致受試者判斷結果產生改變,因此對文獻展現次序進行深入探討實有 其必要性。有鑑於此,本文首先對文獻展現次序所造成之「次序效應」進行文獻 分析,並以本土化之實證研究驗證次序效應中之「赌注效應」,同時以多種筆數 之文獻組設計觀察文獻筆數對次序效應產生之影響,以期對資訊檢索系統之設計 有些許助益。


Among the numerous factors which influence the relevant evaluations,document presentation order has been proved most significant. Since this variable is easily controlled by automated retrieval system, it deserves our special attention and discussion. This paper firstly reviews the literature of 'order effects' induced by document presentation order;sec-ondly, it tries to verify the hypothesis of hedging effecf - a kind of order effect, by a two-stage experiment; thirdly, it aims to identify the relationship between number of document and hedging effect.
