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篇名 從永續理念探討老樹保護之立法
卷期 27:4
並列篇名 The Legislation of the Old Tree Protection on the Aspect of Sustainability
作者 黃昭通羅紹麟
頁次 079-084
關鍵字 老樹珍貴樹木珍稀老樹德爾菲法old treeprecious treesrare old treedelphi method
出刊日期 200512


本研究旨在探討老樹保育立法過程中所應關切之議題。參考各縣市政府所完成之樹木保護自治條例,並將老樹保護立法所衍生之議題,以德爾菲專家問卷方式徵詢專家學者之看法以做爲參 考;其次是召開全國各縣市政府及農委會林務局各林區管理處共同參與之座談會,由各執行單位提 出實際執行所面臨之問題加以彙整,從中釐清及歸納珍稀老樹立法所應顧及之層面;包括保護標的 名稱妥適性、老樹規範條件、生長所在地規範條件、保護專責機構、中央與地方主管機關權責劃 分、保護委員會、保護檢查員之設置與規範、保護預算與專款之設置、保育研究及推廣宣揚規範、 獎勵、補助、補償或罰責的重要性等,均獲得專家學者多數一致性之意見。


The purpose of this research is to discuss the issue about the old tree conservation on the legislating process. Referenced the old tree protection autonomy regulations set by local government, the old tree protection of legislation issue were derived. The expert questionnaire of Delphi method was used, and the forum was hold which the local governments and the districts of Taiwan Forestry Bureau were invited. The practical problems during the execution were proposed and synthesized to declare the perspectives of the legislation of the old tree conservation, including the proper name of the protecting object, criteria of regulation, site condition of oldgrowth, specialized organization of protection, the division of authority and responsibility between central and local governments, protection committee, establishment of protective inspector's and regulations, protection budget and special fund, conservation research, advocating and popularizing the importance of the norm, rewarding, subsidizing compensating and fining,etc. All of this obtained most of the agreement and consistency of the experts and scholars.
