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篇名 檢索詞彙來源探析
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 An Empirical Study of Sources of Search Terms
作者 陳佳君
頁次 027-057
關鍵字 檢索詞彙來源檢索詞彙檢索策略資訊檢索Sources of search termsSearch termsSearch strategyInformation retrieval
出刊日期 199807


本文旨在探討檢索詞粂之來源與接續詞彙的演變情形。研究共計有效檢索 者37人進行40次檢索,產生411個檢索詞彙。研究發現,檢索者最常使用的 詞彙來源是檢索互勤來源,其次是書面問题陳述來源,而最不常被使用的檢索 詞彙來源則是瀏覽檢出文獻來源。研究結果顯示,各詞索來源與接績詞彙來源 間之關係並非各自獨立,而是相互影響的,尤其是前後雨詞彙倾向選用同一來 源;若前後爲不同詞彙來源時,則檢索互動來源爲接績詞彙之主要來源。本研 究冀望藉由研究實際檢索過程,暸解檢索詞彙來源與接績詞彙的演變情形,以 增進資訊檢索系統對檢索者認知決策過程的暸解,進而作爲設計檢索中介系統 之參考。


This paper is a study of the sources of search terms. 411 terms emerged as a result of 40 searches from 37 samples. The user interaction source provided the largest proportion of search terms (51.8%), followed by question statement source. Only 4*2% of search terns are the result of browsing retrieved items. An analysis of sequences of selected search terms indicates some regularities in transition. This paper found that the succeeding source attended to come from the preceding source. When we consider different source to different source relationships in their own, user interaction is high likely the source of search terms.
