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篇名 我國近六年來「教學科技與媒體」期刊論文 及其引用文獻分析
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 Citation Analysis of the Papers Published in "Instructional Technology and Media" in Taiwan, 1992-1997
作者 王國聰
頁次 127-151
關鍵字 引用文獻分析敎學科技視聽敎育Citation analysisInstructional technologyAudio-Visual education
出刊日期 199807


本研究採用引用文獻分析探討1992年至1997年「敎學科技與媒體」期刊 所發表的視聽敎育論文,經由該期刊所得之論文179篇,引用文獻3162篇的 分析,結果顯示:引用文獻以英文資料最多;最常被引用的資料類型是期刊與 圖書;超過50%的引用資料年代爲近六年資料;最常被引用的中、英文作者 是朱則剛及 RichardE. Clark ; EducationalTechnology 及「敎學科技與士某 體」是最常引用的中、英文期刊。


This study used citation analysis to investigate the nature of the papers published in the periodical "Instructional Technology and Media" from 1992-1997. A total of 3,162 references selected from 179 papers reveal the fact that more than 75% of the citations are in English literatures. The vast major-ity of cited materials are from periodicals (40.23%) and books (39.82%) published in the last six yeai*s. The most highly cited Chinese and English authors are Clarence Tsa-kang Chu and Richard. E. Clark, and "Educational Technology" and "Instructional Technology and Media" are the most frequently cited English and Chinese periodicals.
