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篇名 從教育功能淺談兒童數位圖書館之建置
卷期 2:3
並列篇名 The Establishment of Children’s Digital Library in Point of Educational Function
作者 林秀鳳
頁次 152-160
關鍵字 兒童圖書館數位圖書館兒童數位圖書館及時學習Children libraryDigital libraryChildren digital libraryJust in time learning
出刊日期 199807


資訊科技的進步及網路的發達,使待資訊傳播的速度與影響力,與曰倶 增,圖書館向來以蒐集、組織、保存人類思想、言行記綠的式化結晶爲重大貴 任,而隨著資訊科技的進步,資訊與敎育的關係更加密切,由於敎育的形式改 變,對於敎育所必需的資訊服務,也會產生更具革命性與彈性的要求,而新的 數位科技最令人興奮的事之一,就是增加了人類的知識權利(註1),數位圖 書館於是應運而生,而兒童是國家的楝樑,提供一個優良的閲讀環境及獨立的 閲讀空間,;是兒童應享受的福利,因此積極發展兒童數位圖書館成爲兒童敎育 及終身學習一項重要的孚作。


With the development of information technology and the Internet, the speed and influence of information communication are on the increase. Library has always played an important role in collecting, organizing, recording, and preserving human thoughts, languages, behavior and culture. The relationship between information and education is getting closer as a result of the development of information technology. This change of education style, as a result generates a strong and revolutionary need for educational information service. One of the most exciting results of the new digital technology is the increase of the access to knowledge, leading to the generation of digital libraries. Children are the future of a country. Digital libraries for children will provide a better learning and reading environment for their education.
