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篇名 「中國圖書分類法」之探討-以實例論證
卷期 3:3
並列篇名 An Empirical Discussion on "New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries"
作者 鄭惠珍
頁次 129-148
關鍵字 中國圖書分類法New Classification Scheme For Chinese Libraries
出刊日期 199907


「中國圖書分類法j為編目人員分類時之重要工具書,隨著科技的 進步、出版品的激增,賴永祥編訂之「中國圖書分類法」(增訂七版) 已不能滿足分類的需求,因而衍生出一些實際編目問題,這些問題包括:(1)電腦類類號不詳盡(2)分類編排不一致(3)類號過於簡略(4)年代問題(5)著名人物問題(6)新主題無適當類號可歸(7)類目標題用詞未臻理想(8)一主題, 雙類號等。除探討上述問題外,對於一個良好的分類法所必須具備的基 本要件也加以間述,並提出相關建議,希望對將來再版之分類表修訂有 所幫助,以解決部份編目上之問題。


The New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries (7th ed., edited by Yung Hsiang Lai) has been an important reference tool for cataloguers. However, with the advent of new technologies, publications increase in number and speed, and have overwhelmed the traditional cataloging system. This classification scheme has become obsolete and can no longer effectively meet a cataloguer’s needs. The purpose of this article is to discuss the discrepancies in this classification scheme and its problems. Listed below are the topics of interests. 1) Unclear numerical designations in the computer 2) Inconsistent subdivision of catagories 3) Over-simplified nu-merical designation 4) The problems of classifying by year of publication 5) Problems with famous authors 6) Unsuitable classification for new subjects 7) Unsuitable subject description in cataloging 8) Duplicated designation for the same subject etc. The basic requirements of a good classification scheme are also described in this article. Several suggestions are given at the end in the hope that the next edition of New Classification Scheme for Chinese Libraries would be more robust and effective for cataloging publications in the 21st century.
