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篇名 美國大學遠距學習圖書館服務的探討
卷期 6:2
並列篇名 Distance Learning Library Services of Academic Libraries in the U.S.A.
作者 王梅玲
頁次 065-087
關鍵字 遠距教育遠距學習遠距學習圖書館大學圖書館學術圖書館Distance educationDistance learningDistance learning libraryAcademic librariesUniversity librariesDistance education library
出刊日期 200209


遠距教育改變了高等教育的形態,遠距學習者在茫茫網路大海中探索,亟 需圖書館服務。但受限於網路環境與學習型態,圖書館對於遠端使用者很難提 供與對校園師生相同服務。因此,美國學院與研究圖書館學會(ACRL)多年 倡導遠距學習圖書館服務的觀念,屢次研訂相關指南,以及進行全國大學圖書 館遠距學習服務調查。本文旨在研究美國大學遠距學習圖書館服務的理念與經 營;首先,探討大學遠距教育的發展,並瞭解遠距學習社群的特色與需求;其 次,析述遠距學習圖書館服務的意涵與要件;復次,以美國三所大學圖書館個 案說明遠距學習圖書館服務模式。最後,他山之石可攻錯,藉重美國遠距學習 圖書館服務成果對我國未來發展提出建言。


Distance education has been a major force in shaping higher education. As distance learners need strong learner support systems outside classroom time, the methods of providing two-way communication such as counseling, coaching, and library services have been developed. This article mainly discusses the development of distance learning library services of higher education in the U.S.A. It studies the philosophy and components of the distance learning library services with a detailed introduction of ACRL’s Guidelines. Finally,it reviews the current status of distance learning services in American universities libraries as well as three case studies with detailed descriptions.
