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篇名 以XML與CMARC為基礎之編目模組與 WebOPAC / WAPOPAC 設計
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Design Cataloguing Module and WebOPAC / WAPOPAC Based on XML and CMARC
作者 林信成楊翔淳
頁次 044-070
關鍵字 中國機讀編目格式線上公用目錄可擴展標示語言文件類型定義無線應用協定行動線上公用目錄WebOPACXMLDTDWAPWAPOPAC
出刊日期 200403


本研究提出一個適用於CMARC4完整版之XML DTD,並透過系統實作方式,架構一個基於XML之編目、WebOPAC及WAPOPAC模組。本文主要研究 成果如下:首先,我們探討CMARC4完整版之DTD在設計時比簡篇更複雜的 議題,並提出一個實驗用途但内容完整的版本,可做為相關單位制訂標準時之 參考依據;其次,本文透過XML與XSL的相互搭配,可使WebOPAC的檢索結果呈現不同版面格式,而又不影響原始資料結構;再者,我們結合WAP技 術,發展一個名為WAPOPAC (WAP-basedOPAC)的行動線上公用目錄系統, 可透過WAP終端設備來連線,以滿足行動圖書館的通訊需求!


This paper proposes an appropriate DTD for CMARC4, and implements three modules based on XML technology: a cataloguing module, a WebOPAC module and a WAPOPAC module. The research results are as follows: First, we examine some complicated issues of CMARC DTD design. An experimental but complete version involved in CMARC DTD is proposed for reference. Secondary, we combine XML with XSL for WebOPAC to show the query results in a different layout format without affecting the original data structure. Furthermore, we apply the WAP technology to develop an online public catalogue system for mobile access, which is named WAPOPAC (WAP-based OPAC) . The users could use WAP devices to access such a WAP-based mobile library.
