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篇名 國小高年級學生網路資訊尋求行為之研究
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 An Empirical Study of Internet Information Behavior of Elementary School Students in Their Senior Years
作者 翁婉真
頁次 092-106
關鍵字 國小高年級學生資訊尋求行為網路資訊尋求行為Elementary school students in their senior yearsInformation seeking behaviorInternet information seeking behavior
出刊日期 200403


本研究目的在探討國小高年級學生之網路資訊尋求行為,以台北市河堤國小與市北師實小32名學童為研究對象,研究方法主要為深度訪談與關鍵事件回憶法。研究結果發現:學童最主要的網路搜尋動機為「學校作業」;其檢索問題多為與「學校作業」相關者;學童主要的資訊資源管道為「網路」與「父母」;且最常利用的搜尋引擎「奇摩」;在資訊檢索過程中,學童較常利用「一次檢索」中的「直接輸入檢索問題」與「擷取關鍵詞輸入」等方式來查找資料; 另「一次檢索」中的「直接輸入網址」與「點選搜尋引擎之分類目錄」的檢索 成功率較高;根據訪談結果,「方便好用」為學童提出網路搜尋資訊之最大優點,「找不到資料」為最大缺點。


This article investigates Internet information seeking behavior of elementary school students in their senior years from "Heti Elementary Schoor" and "Taipei Municipal Teachers College Experimental Elementary SchooL." Subjects are 32 senior grades students selected from the above two schools. “In-depth interview” and “criti-cal incident technique” are used as the primary research methods. From the result of this study, we can infer that “school assignments” comprises the primary motive of elementary school students in their senior years. It is for this reason that most questions are asked by these pupils in relation to "school assignments.", Pupils frequently used “the Internet” and “parents” as their primary information resource channels. “Kimo” was the search engine with the highest usage. During the information search process,pupils tended to perform “a single search” by “directly entering the search question” and “extracting the keyword and entering it.” It is the “directly entering the website address” and “selecting from the search engine’s list of contents” both of which involved using “a single search” that get the highest success rate. In addition, most of the pupils believed that ^convenient to use" was the greatest advantage in using the Internet to search for information, while “could not find data” was the most commonly observed disadvantage.
