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篇名 國內大學圖書館書架強震破壞案例分析
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 Earthquake Damage to Library Cantilever Shelves : A Case Study Using Strong Motion Analysis
作者 王昭然
頁次 130-146
關鍵字 大學圖書館書架地震抗震設施耐震補強LibrariesShelvesStacksEarthquake-resistanceRetrofit
出刊日期 200403


民國88年的921集集大地震,造成台灣中部圖書館書架損失慘重。位於新竹市甲大學圖書館與中壢市乙大學總圖書館之書架,也同樣遭受到嚴重的破壞。 本文利用中央氣象局在此二楝圖書館各樓層已裝設之強震儀,分析這些強震儀 於921地震中所記錄之地震反應資料,並輔以兩館之書架平面配置關係、圖書 館結構系統與實際震害調查,從中研究圖書館書架在強震中之主要破壞模式與 書架發生破壞之原因。本文並為館方提供一些考慮因素,減低書架再度遭受破壞之可能性。


Earthquake damage is not limited merely to the structural integrity of buildings; indeed, the damage to nonstructural components can render facilities entirely inoperable in the aftermath of an earthquake, leading to loss of life or property. In two such instances in Taiwan, the Chi-Chi Earthquake and the Oct. 22 Earthquake of 1999, the cantilever library shelves in one University in Hsin-Chu City and one University in Jung-Li City were seriously damaged due to their lack of earthquake-resistant devices in the shelves. In this paper, we examine floor vibration acceleration records from seismometers installed in several floors of these two libraries by the Central Weather Bureau. The records are analyzed by comparing the shelf arrangement to the library's floor plan. The library's structural system is examined as well, to put these shelf failures in their context, clarifying the cause and pattern of the shelves* failure. The experiment also yields rules that librarians may use to plan ideal shelving for earthquake-resistant facilities.
