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篇名 餐旅管理領域學生的資訊尋求行為探討
卷期 8:1
並列篇名 The Study of Information Seeking Behavior among Students in Restaurant, Hotel, and Institutional Management
作者 李惠萍蘇讓
頁次 147-166
關鍵字 資訊需求資訊尋求行為餐旅教育餐旅管理學系學生Information needsInformation seeking behaviorHospitality educationRestauranthotel and institutional management student
出刊日期 200403


近年來,國内外經濟環境急遽變化,觀光事業的拓展帶來了餐旅業的蓬勃 發展,造成餐旅業界人力需求大量增加,國内餐旅管理相關科系亦紛紛成立。 餐旅管理學是一個橫跨餐飲學、旅館學、食品營養學、管理學、觀光學等學科 的學門,國内外文獻均少見餐旅管理學系學生的資訊需求相關研究。圖書館是 以讀者為導向的機構,不論圖書館的類型為何,其最高服務目標在於滿足讀者 的資訊需求。因此,研究者以焦點團體訪談和問卷調查的方式,探討輔仁大學 餐旅管理學系學生之資訊需求與資訊尋求行為,研究結果的討論期望提供圖書 館參考,為這個領域的師生帶來更為完善的圖書資訊服務。


In recent years, hospitality and tourism education has been prosperously developed in Taiwan. The number of students in Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Department have increased over the years. However, their information needs and information seeking patterns have been ignored in the library and information science literature. In order to explore their interdisciplinary information needs, focus group inter-views and questionnaire survey were utilized in 2003 in order to find out information seeking behavior of Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional Management Department Students at Fu-Jen Catholic University, and the results from the study are provided for improving the quality of library and information services to students and faculty in the hospitality education field.
