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篇名 模擬人情境式之問題導向學習
卷期 19:6
並列篇名 Mannequin Scenario-Based Problem-Based Learning
作者 葉建宏王雋之李憶菁盧志峰葉炳強邱浩彰
頁次 561-568
關鍵字 模擬醫學問題導向學習高階模擬人課後回饋simulation medicineproblem-based learninghigh fidelity mannequinfeedbackTSCI
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2015.19(6).01


為比較利用模擬人情境案例與傳統紙本案例,進行問題導向學習(problem-based learning,PBL)課程 的不同學習效果,在醫學系三年級開學前一週舉行「模擬人情境式PBL體驗營」,在連續5次的半天課程, 先接受傳統紙本案例的PBL學習兩次,之後再以模擬人情境案例的PBL學習兩次。自2010年開辦迄今 五年共已有40位同學參與此體驗營。課後回饋中,整體滿意度在1-5分量表中達4.5分。學生肯定模擬 人情境進行PBL學習時,可以加深學習印象及增加學習興趣,激發主動學習及刺激關鍵思考。至於強化 自我信心部分,應該是情境學習最大的挑戰。大部分學生推薦將「模擬人情境教學」納入學校現行「臨 床技術教學」或「PBL學制」中,至於導入現行「臨床技術考試」則較保留。代表「模擬人情境教學」 對學生雖然頗有收穫,但是自信心不足下,如放進臨床技術考試中壓力過大,以致學生推薦度稍偏低。 至於要將此體驗營變成正式課程全面推動仍有賴師資與硬體進一步提升。


To compare the learning effect of problem-based learning (PBL) curriculum using mannequin scenario with that of traditional paper case, we set up an Mannequin Scenario-based PBL Camp (MSPC) in the last week before the beginning of the semester of the third grade. Through five consecutive half-day sessions, students run the PBL program using the traditional paper case twice followed by the second PBL practice using mannequin scenario twice. A total of 40 students have participated this camp since 2010. In general, the overall satisfaction scores were as high as 4.5 points based on the post-camp 5-point Likert scale questionnaire. They felt the PBL program using mannequin scenario is superior to paper case counterpart in terms of the increase of learning impact, the enhancement of learning interest, the opportunity for active learning and the promotion of critical thinking. The biggest challenge for this MSPC seems to be the build-up of self-confidence for most students. Most students recommended this "MSPC module" into the formal curriculum of "clinical skills" or "PBL" and hesitated to implement this module into "clinical skills test", which might be related to lack of confidence for normal performance under pressured testing environment. Faculty recruitment and hardware investment is the key to the implementation of this pilot camp to become a formal curriculum in the future.
