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篇名 臨床醫師的醫病溝通技巧之質性分析
卷期 19:6
並列篇名 A Qualitative Study of Clinicians’ Communication Skills
作者 李錦虹邱浩彰陳亭君
頁次 569-580
關鍵字 醫病關係溝通技巧臨床醫師質性研究physician-patient relationshipcommunication skillsclinicianqualitative researchTSCI
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.6320/FJM.2015.19(6).02


本研究旨在探討臨床醫師實際採用的有效醫病溝通技巧。研究參與者為台灣北部某一家醫學中心 的17位臨床醫師,分別來自10個不同科別。研究者透過方便取樣招募志願受訪的醫師,以一對一半結 構訪談法蒐集資料,並以編碼、發展有意義的分類及詮釋分類間關聯之程序進行資料分析。研究結果發 現「好的表達」、「關注病人」、「與家屬建立良好關係」、以及「團隊運作」四個主題及與其對應之溝通技巧。除了醫師-病人面的技巧,本研究也發現醫師會應用醫師-家屬及醫師-團隊的技巧來輔助醫病溝通, 且兼用理性與感性的技巧能讓表達更有效。本研究從醫師的實務經驗中分析出醫師重視的原則與技巧, 可供臨床醫師參考及應用,應有助於解決醫病溝通的困境。


This study aimed to explore clinicians’ effective communication skills with patients and their families. The participants were seventeen clinicians across ten specialties in a medical center in northern Taiwan. The researchers used convenience sampling to recruit participants and collect primary data through one-on-one semi-structured interviews. The data was analyzed through the procedure of coding, developing meaningful themes, and constructing the connections among themes. The results showed there were four themes concerning communication skills: “good expressions”, “pay attention to patients”, “connections with the patient’s family”, and “team work”. In addition to clinician-patient communication skills, the skills of clinician-family and clinician-medical team were also applied to assist communication. Furthermore, the clinician utilized intellectual and emotional skills of good expressions to achieve effective communications. The results derived from clinicians’ experience may be practical and helpful to other clinicians to solve communication problems.
