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篇名 越南胡志明市高級中學教師組織公民行為現況之探討
卷期 100
並列篇名 A Study on Teachers Organizational Citizenship Behaviors at High Schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
作者 胡士雄
頁次 088-113
關鍵字 教師組織公民行為高級中學胡志明市越南Teachers organizational citizenship behaviorsHigh schoolsHo Chi Minh cityVietnam
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/160683002015110100005


本文主要探討越南胡志明市高級中學教師組織公民行為之現況與差異情 形。研究方法採用問卷調查法,針對越南胡志明市30所高級中學,發放450份 問卷,進行調查。處理資料,運用LISREL 8.70與SPSS19.0套裝軟體,分別進行 驗證性因素分析、描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定及單因子變異數分析等方法。 分析後獲得以下結論:
(一)越南胡志明市高級中學教師組織公民行為整體現況屬於「中」程 度範圍。
(二)教師組織公民行為之知覺,不會因教師之性別及現任職務等背景 變項之不同而有所差異。
(三)教師對其組織公民行為之知覺,在教師年齡、教師服務年資、教 師學歷、學校所在地、學校規模、校長性別及校長服務年資等背景變項有顯 著之差異。


The paper aims to understand the current situation and the differences of the teachers organizational citizenship behaviors at high schools in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. Data collected from 450 teachers at 30 high schools in Ho Chi Minh City. The confirmatory factor analysis, descriptive analysis, t-test and one-way ANOVA methods are used to carry out the analysis of the data. The findings indicate that: 1. The level of teachers organizational citizenship behaviors is moderate. 2. The difference of teachers’ sex and current position DO NOT affect their perceptions of teachers organizational citizenship behaviors. 3. The difference of teachers’ age, in-service years, education, school location, school size, principal’s sex and principal in-service years have an effect on their perceptions of teachers organizational citizenship behaviors.
