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篇名 學校創新經營:以溪崑國中雲世代教學工作坊為例
卷期 100
並列篇名 School Innovative Management—An Example of “Cloud Generations Teaching Workshop” in Xikun Junior High School
作者 蔡安繕
頁次 127-145
關鍵字 學校創新經營課程教學創新雲世代教學資訊融入教學School Innovative Managementcurriculum and instructional innovationcloud generation teachinginformation integration teaching
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/160683002015110100007




In response to the industrial era, Business management thinking constantly in innovation management, to subvert the traditional business model, attempted to be able to market success. Innovative management has become an important organizational survival philosophy. School is also part of society, In recent years, faced well-developed information technology, low birth rate, the Twelve-Year Public Education Program reform, The challenge is growing. Therefore, school leaders can only assume innovation management, creating school characteristics to sustainable development. curriculum and teaching is an important indicator of school management, curriculum and instructional innovation a more direct influence teaching quality, this text is from the school innovative management ideas, turning to the connotation of the school curriculum and instructional innovation, taking“Cloud generations Teaching Workshop ”in Xikun Junior High School for an example to illustrate the operation of the school curriculum and instructional innovation process, strategy, and proposes reflection, as reference information into the curriculum teaching innovation.
