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篇名 學校運用公共關係之研究――以高雄市國民小學為例
卷期 100
並列篇名 The Study on Applied Effect of Schools’ Public Relation
作者 張弘勳蔡雅琳
頁次 146-176
關鍵字 學校公共關係學校公共關係schoolpublic relationschool public relation
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/160683002015110100008




The main purpose of this study is to explore current situation and opinions of making good use of schools’ public relations at Kaohsiung City. It also aims to comprehend how to build good images, how to make good use of community resources, and how to effectively manage schools’ crises on schools applied effect of public relations. This study is accomplished with the process of literature analysis and questionnaires. The questionnaire was used for investigation the current situation and opinions of schools applied effect of public relations at public primary schools of Kaohsiung City. The survey is conducted with 1015 copies issued and with 755 effective copies returned from 46 sample schools. Based upon the research findings, conclusions and suggestion were offered.
