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篇名 「委託辦理」初探 ―― 兼評教育部委辦法令與幼兒園園長專業訓練委託辦理實務
卷期 100
並列篇名 Initial Research of “Consignment”—Comments on the Directions of Consignment of Ministry of Education and the Consignment Practice of Professional Training for Directors of Kindergartens
作者 郭慧龍
頁次 177-220
關鍵字 委任委託委辦DelegationCommissionEntrustment
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/160683002015110100009




In the early legislation of our country, there were no systematic regulations towards “Delegation”, “Commission” and “Entrustment” as well as a consistent mandatory procedure of stipulation. However, between the periods of 1998 to 1999, the related laws of Local Government Act, Government Procurement Act and Administrative Procedure Act started to proceed in more systematic regulations towards “Delegation”, “Commission” and “Entrustment”. In 2006, Legal Affairs Committee of the Executive Yuan requested the agencies of central and local governments to clarify or explain and did timely rectification after reviewing, according to Administrative Procedure Act and the principles of the resolution from Legal Affairs Committee. However, since 2006, nine years has passed, it still shows muddling on the usage of current laws and regulations of our country towards “Delegation”, “Commission” and “Entrustment”. For this reason, this article aims to clarify the real meaning of the “Delegation”, “Commission” and “Entrustment” whence on the related laws and regulations, official clarification and the verdicts from courts. Moreover, there are also comments on the directions of consignment of Ministry of Education and the consignment practice of professional training for directors of kindergartens. Finally, the conclusions and the suggestions will be proposed for reference.
