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篇名 公立教育人員適用行政中立之法制度分析――從318太陽花運動談起
卷期 100
並列篇名 A Legalized Review on the Issue of the Public Educators’ Administrative Neutrality after the 318 Sunflower Movement in Taiwan
作者 汪林玲
頁次 221-237
關鍵字 公務人員教育人員憲法釋義學行政中立講學自由public servantseducatorsconstitutional discussionadministration neutralityfreedom of teaching
出刊日期 201511
DOI 10.3966/160683002015110100010


現今公民社會的崛起重塑直接民主角色,本文從318太陽花運動談起,公 民在世代轉捩點為其訴求,從街頭及校園走到議場,公立教育人員於此番支 持/反對的浪潮中,在為人師表的角色外,是否了解自身的職務所保障與肩負 的「中立」角色? 太陽花運動催生立法院於103年11月11日三讀通過修正《公 務人員行政中立法》(以下稱行政中立法),該次修法將第17條第3款原適用對 象「公立學術研究機構之研究人員」修正為「公立學術研究機構兼任行政職 務之研究人員」準用一般公務人員,雖釐清「公立學術研究機構之研究人員」 不再受該法第17條規範,惟仍以「公教匯流」將「教附於公」,讓教育人員 (含學術研究機構研究人員1 )權利義務比照公務人員法令規範之,是否與我國 「公教分途」之政策方向相悖。因此,本文以憲法釋義學,並針對公立教育人 員適用行政中立法情形進行檢討,同時探究公立教育人員在行政中立制度下 講學自由的分析,進而根據研究結論,提出研究建議。


The Public Servant’s Administration Neutrality Act has enacted since 2009, and the recent amendment is in November 2014. Part of the reasons of the Act’s amendment is because of the 318 Sunflower Movement. It caused the article17, paragraph 3 of the above Act to change the regulated ones to be the public research units’ researchers who are also play the part-time administration position. Public servants are properly regulated by the aforementioned Act; however, educators in public schools are rarely supervised. Despite the huge number of educators in public schools, the well-organized act supervising public educators on concerning the issue of administration neutrality remains inadequate. The two identities of the public educators and the public servants are stipulated in different fields respectively. They should be regulated by different kinds of acts. This thesis aims at reviewing the importance of setting a specific act for the public educators by means of the method of constitutional discussion.
