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篇名 明代江西地方官府藏書事業研究─以各級儒學為考察中心
卷期 13:2
並列篇名 The Book Collecting Activities of the Local Governments in the Jiangxi District during the Ming Dynasty: Focusing on the Collections of Ruxues, the Government-founded Schools
作者 陳冠至
頁次 029-066
關鍵字 藏書儒學江西地方官府明代Book CollectionRuxueJiangxiLocal GovernmentMing DynastyTSSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6182/jlis.2015.13(2).029




In the Chinese history, Ming dynasty is an era when book collection activities flourished. The intensity and achievement of book collecting by governments far exceeded the previous eras and arrived at the peak. The emperors’ emphasis on education and the widespread of ruxues, governmentfounded schools, had contributed to the development of official book collections all over the country. At that time, the Jiangxi province was the third largest source of government officials and bureaucrats. The cultural intensity in Jiangxi was of great historical significance. However, the book collecting activities in that region and their relations to the flourishing intellectual traditions and achievements were hardly studied in existing literatures. Hence, this paper carefully examined the cultural phenomenon in that locality based on historical materials in order to bridge the gap. The regional and local book collection history may also shed lights on today’s society in terms of promoting libraries and book reading.
