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篇名 以ABCX理論探討參與 救災任務官兵的壓力反應及適應歷程
卷期 107
並列篇名 The Pressure Reaction and Adaption Process by the Armed Forces with Disaster Relief Mission: an Application of ABCX Theory
作者 王晛洲丁華
頁次 057-081
關鍵字 救災官兵接觸罹難者大體壓力反應適應歷程ABCX理論disaster reliefarmed forcespressure reactionsadaptation processABCX theory
出刊日期 201512


全球極端氣候增加,天災發生的頻率與影響也持續擴增。2009年8月「莫拉克颱風」成為 台灣史上傷亡最惨重的風災。國軍在「救災就是作戰」等政策指導下,過去重於作戰演訓的國 軍官兵,如今成為英勇的救災官兵。甚至,深入第一線災區,承受執行接觸罹難者大體任務帶來的身心健康危脅與適應問題。本研究旨在運用ABCX理論探究救災官兵在執行接觸罹難者大 體任務的適應歷程。採取質性研究,針對7位實際參與莫拉克風災救災執行接觸罹難者大體任 務的國軍官兵進行半結構式深度訪談。經訪談資料的歸納、整理、分析後,研究結論為:1.接 觸罹難者大體是救災任務中最具創傷威脅的任務;2.個人能力與心理素質的強度影響救災壓力 的高度;3.越瞭解任務内容與工作流程抗壓能力越高;4.正向認知較能降低對死亡畫面的恐怖想 像;5.妥善的生活照顧與彈性的工作分配能有效纾解救災壓力;6.心理支持強化救災的認同感與 安全感;7.離開災區前的調適期能增加恢復正常生活的安全性;8.救災心輔措施是心理創傷的守門員。


The purpose of this research is to explore the pressure reaction and the adaption process experienced by the armed forces with the disaster relief mission. The model we use is the ABCX theory. The qualitative research method is employed to interview 7 soldiers who joined in the Typhoon Morakot disaster relief mission. Our major findings are: (1) the physical contact with victim corpses is the most threatening job in the mission; (2) the personal capacity to cope with pressure is a crucial factor; (3) the more comprehensive a soldier understands the content of mission, the more he can cope with pressure; (4) the positive thinking can effectively lessen the negative images of death scenes; (5) the well-arranged daily care and flexible job arrangement can ease pressure; (6) mental support strengthens soldiers’ identity toward mission and increases their sense of security; (7) a settling-in period before leaving the disaster area can effectively increase the chance of returning a normal life; (8) psychological counseling during the relieving mission is crucial to reducing the psychological trauma.
