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篇名 中國大陸電視真人秀節目的發展歷程分析
卷期 107
並列篇名 An Analysis on the Development of Reality Television in Mainland China
作者 謝奇任
頁次 155-170
關鍵字 真人秀節目本土化版權Reality TelevisionLocalizationCopyright
出刊日期 201512


隨著全球電視真人秀節目的大行其道,中國大陸電視娛樂產業也掀起真人秀節目熱潮。本 文回顧真人秀節目在中國大陸流行與發展歷程後發現,中國大陸真人秀節目,初期是移植國外 節目概念方式進行,但強調人性汙點、暴力和巨額獎金元素,也引起許多觀眾負評;中期轉以 強調人性光明面如追求夢想為主,成功爭取到本土觀眾支持;近期因節目數量成長市場競爭 高,有節目為追求收視率,内容過度操作引發觀眾反感。為了再次提升節目質感,電視台改以 購買外國原版節目版權仿照製作,但此舉可能是市場救命稻草,也可能是打壓原創節目創意積 極性的毒藥。


Reality television had become a worldwide trend since the 21th century. China’s television industry had caught up with the trend and made the production of reality television a highly lucrative revenue. This study reviews the development of reality television in Mainland China in its 15 year history. In the developing phase, human weakness, conflicts, and monetary reward were adopted as principal motivating factors, but they were not taken by Chinese audiences. In the expansion phase, local producers approached audiences by appealing to the bright sides of humanity. This localization strategy was very successful. After the market boomed, the competition of viewing rates had driven television stations to manipulate the marketing of reality television and caused the antipathy of society as well as government bureaus. In the recovery phase, television stations upgraded the production quality by buying copyright directly from foreign production houses. But the reproduction again triggered the debate of whether the creativity of local television community will be suppressed by not creating their own shows.
