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篇名 Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Synovial Tophi Deposition Causes Knee Locking
卷期 13:4
並列篇名 前十字韌帶痛風石沉積造成膝關節僵鎖
作者 劉哲瑋謝心圃陳勁宇林希鼎
頁次 211-216
關鍵字 GoutKnee lockingTophi deposition痛風膝部伸直不能痛風石沉積
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.3966/181020932015121304005




Knee locking is a condition in which the knee cannot be extended completely, primarily because of intraarticular mechanical blockage. The most common cause of blockage is meniscal lesions, particularly, the bucket-handle lesion.[1] Gouty arthritis is a metabolic disorder characterized by elevated urate and urate monohydrate crystal deposition in the serum. The crystals are responsible for causing a hot and swollen knee during an acute gouty attack. We report a case of gouty arthritis of the knee in which tophi deposition over ACL caused mechanical knee blockage. In the case of progressive knee locking with a history of gouty arthritis, MRI may be helpful to rule out other knee-locking factors, such as meniscal and ACL. However, direct visualization of the intraarticular anatomy of the organ may be more direct in ruling out and treating the underlying causes of mechanical blockage.
