
產業與管理論壇 TSSCI

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篇名 創新的基礎設施 產學合作研究資源整合平台
卷期 17:4
並列篇名 Innovative Infrastructure, Academia-Industry Resource Collaboration Platform
作者 廖森貴曾馨儀陳秋齡曾大有
頁次 086-102
關鍵字 平台研究資源產學合作智慧財產platformresource integrationacademic-industry cooperativepatent portfoliosTSSCI
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.3966/199582342015121704004


目前各學術研究單位之研發成果資料庫僅能以關鍵字查詢,業界需耗費時間試用合宜關鍵字後再行挑選,致研發成果資料庫被企業運用的成效不佳。本研究提供一符合業界使用研發成果資料庫的平台,該創新點係利用產業常用的產品及技術結構做為研發成果分類基礎,讓企業在熟知的語言下,輕鬆地找到跨學校、跨法人中相關的研發成果,進而提升研發成果產業 化的實績:(1)將所有研究成果構建於相同的產業、產品、技術關係上,使其可快速而有系統地將學術研究相關成果展現出來;(2)企業可依此結構對各國專利局進行資料搜尋,並放入平台中,便利業界規劃其產業的世界布局,掌握國内、外技術支援,甚或技術團隊菁英等;(3)法人機構綜合產業與智慧財產分析,研擬末來產業發展機會,主動尋求相關的廠商與學術研究成果,促成未來產品的開發,落寅研發成果的商品化。研發成果資料庫若無簡易且符合產業界使用的介面,將不易推廣運用。本研究提出創新性的作法,讓學術研究單位的研發成果,得以同步整合並呈現在同一產業/產品結構下,使業界一次性獲取跨單位之研發成果,在更為簡易而友善的使用介面下,擴大現有研發成果運用率。


This paper proposes an innovative resource integration platform for academic-industry cooperative research focusing on the following: 1. The design of an information search platform with which to categorize all academic R&D achievements by industry,product,and technology and present all re_ lated achievements systematically; 2. Providing corporations with patents in patent offices around the world on the same data structure, thereby enterprises can enable them to plan global deployment and access an abundance of domestic and foreign technical support as well as elite technical teams; 3. Combining the industry analysis and patent portfolios analysis, cooperate R&D institutions point out the products or systems which are to be developed. Meanwhile, cooperative R&D search for the related enterprises and the professors to promote the product planning and the commercialization of academic research achievement. By doing so, the development of new product or system cooperation would be performed. With the resource integration platform for academia-industry cooperative research that we developed and the simulation of the sub-industry information map, we identified future business opportunities and find the expertise at the same time, thereby promoting the collaborative development of 15 new products.
