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篇名 台灣呼吸治療學生資訊素養之研究—以南部某科技大學呼吸照護系為例
卷期 23
並列篇名 A Study of the Informatics Literacy on Respiratory Care Students at a Technological University in South Taiwan
作者 周佩瑾沈鴻瑋周民豐蕭如玲
頁次 043-053
關鍵字 資訊素養呼吸治療資訊素養呼吸治療學生informatics literacyrespiratory care informatics literacyrespiratory care students
出刊日期 201512
DOI 10.6192/CGUST.2015.12.23.5


鑑於資訊科技日新月異,科技始忠於人性,呼吸治療師在醫院的工作職責更是與使用資訊科 技息息相關,因此,培養呼吸治療師日常臨床工作所需的資訊素養更是刻不容緩,而資訊素養奠 定基礎始於大學時期的教育,因此,本研究目的主要探討呼吸治療學生資訊素養現況,以及資訊 素養的影響因素及其相關性,藉以提供呼吸治療學校教育對於學生資訊素養提升之參考。本研究 採橫斷式調查法,參考國內外資訊素養相關研究及目前最新3C 應用相關因素,提出呼吸治療學 生應具備資訊素養涵蓋:資訊知識、資訊技能及資訊態度三大因素,以南部某科技大學呼吸照護 系學生日間部一、二年級及進修部一至三年級為對象,共發放170 份問卷,回收162 份,回收率 95.29%,其Cronbach’s α 介於.805~.945,各題目因素負荷量介於.085~.794。研究結果發現,呼 吸照護系學生資訊素養能力會因個人背景因素不同而有差異,其中以父母親學歷、上網設備數量 以及每日上網時數對資訊素養的影響達顯著差異,期望藉由本研究結果作為強化呼吸治療學生資 訊素養課程之發展與能力培育的參考。


Due to the quickly changing of information and technology, information literacy skills have been required for respiratory therapists to maintain daily practice in healthcare facilities. Most importantly, these skills are able to be developed to meet job demands from tertiary education. The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the competencies of informatics literacy and their related influencing factors on undergraduate students of respiratory care. According to current research on informatics literacy, respiratory students are required to have three essential skills of information literacy: informatics knowledge, informatics skills, and informatics attitudes. The research subjects were undergraduate students of respiratory care at a university of science and technology located in southern Taiwan. Out of a total of 170 copies, 162 responses to the questionnaire were received (response rate was 95.3%); the Cronbach’s α value was .805~.945 and factor loading value was .085~.794. The results showed that the competencies of information literacy were closely correlated to the personal background. Analysis on information literacy revealed significant differences in educational background of parents, the number of computers with internet access, and the daily amount of time on the internet surfing. This paper is hoped to serve as a reference for educators to improve information literacy of students by designing and developing the informatics courses in the future.
