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篇名 製造業智慧型安全檢查系統導入與管理研究
卷期 52
並列篇名 A Pilot Study of Manufacturing Intelligent Safety Inspection System Management
作者 黃家平卓世明薛靜君
頁次 073-088
關鍵字 NFCRFID自主檢查個案研究智慧型系統Indystrial Safety I.T. systemRFIDNFCQR-Code
出刊日期 201507


依據職業傷害統計數據顯示,製造業員工受到傷害或是失能最大的原因以操作機具被夾、被捲、被刺、物體飛落、感電、不當動作等為大宗。從政策面來看,政府以勞工職業安全法規要求業主落實勞動檢查,或是推廣環安衛安全認證機制鼓勵事業單位建立完善環安衛體制與工廠標準作業程序,又或是並輔以各式職業證照鼓勵業者建立合格優良人力資源同步進行員工教育訓練與自動檢查能量。但是,受限於各行業多以獲利導向為主,許多良善環、安、衛、品保制度並無法確實落實,這也是前述工安事件層出不窮原因,僅能被動完成政策要求事項,無法真正建立自主安全檢查環境與能量。因為繁複稽核程序、檢查表單常常使危害因子與檢查項目失焦,變成另一種業務檢查工作。安全檢查工作任務分工不明,造成環安衛與其他業務重疊的複雜度。 本研究即針對前述現象,亦即事業單位安全衛生工作僅能被動地以達到法令規定為目標,即使檢查機構如何再增加檢查人力,結果只能將職業災害控制在一有限範圍內,無法再進一步精進效率前提下。本研究建議導入一套資訊系統包含手持式自主檢查巡檢機與雲端式自主檢查管理資訊平台。藉由最新RFID與NFC科技來補足制度面的隱藏缺陷。利用手持式裝置移動便利特性,能立即將所發現對勞工有危害之事件,利用雲端系統進行報告且符合環安衛法規規定。藉由雲端後台管理特性,讓員工、主管、環安衛管理人員藉由本系統(idiot proof design)輕鬆如期執行自主管理計畫並依據機具檢查與導覽功能,以QR CODE或是TAG方式落實機具檢查步驟,同步將安全巡檢表及現場危害事件回報管理階層,相關紀錄轉換成電子化表單,管理階層可利用前述資料,進行安全檢查電子化流程稽核、安全巡檢表與危害統計圖稽核與管理及後續工業安全與衛生控管等工作。 研究方法以專家訪談方式深入了解並歸納出事業單位可能導致安全衛生自主管理無法落實之原因,之後再採用個案研究方式,選定以鋼鐵製造業為主要研究對象,藉由前述系統導入觀察與相關工廠安全衛生管理議題探討,觀察事業單位自己針對事業內部安全衛生現況實施的「自主檢查」的主動性與完整性,藉由本研究執行與管理議題質化研析,檢討是否能讓事業單位在原有工作流程裡,不增加員工工作負荷原則下,快速的發現機具潛在問題並檢討,及持續不斷改善,使事業單位安全衛生工作表現能超越法令規定,達到防止職業災害發生目的。研究的結論將置重點於以最新科技(NFC)設計的智慧型安全檢查系統是否具備簡易安裝、便於操作、不增負擔、功能完備。另外,製造業的自主檢查作業程序、表單、是否易於轉換為資訊格式、在主動性工作提醒、危害分析、預警措施功能下,能否降低工業傷害機率並落實防範勝於未然。


This research aims to solve the industrial safety E management problems for conventional i ndustries. These plants usually treat industrial safety issues as unimportant tasks. No matter how hard-working has been for Government to force these plants being compliance with industrial safety and environment protection regulations and laws, the efficiency is low. This is because there is no motivation for conventional plants to follow rules. This project assures those plants undertaking industrial safety relguations very actively with the help of the proposed I.T. system. The proposed ststem is comprised of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) and NFC (Near Field Communication) technology. This ensures the employee running inspection works in details. The proposed system may help companies to find out the potential risks in advance. The performance of industrial safety will be an actively approach to prevent vocational injures. This I.T. system includes two major parts. One is mobile device and related APP software. Another is cloud server providing several management functions. The proposed system adopts RFID and NFC technology. The characteristic of mobile device is easy to operate and conventional to proceed. The cloud platform is open to employee, management level and auditors and server security level is high. The seniors are described as follows. The foreman operates mobile device to complete inspection tasks. The records and damages situations are recorded and sending back to cloud server. The management level can manage industrial safety tsaks on the screen such as schedule, re-schedule, auditing, risk analysis, statistic charts, monthly reports, etc. After four months hard working, the research team completes many tasks such as industrial requirement investigation, I.T. requirements analysis, interface design, database design, shop-floor data transfer and prototype testing. The prime functions of the proposed I.T. system has been tested and reveals good performance as this paper shown. The remaining works will be undertaken to implement the proposed I.T. system into other plants.
