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篇名 線上開放課程之發展歷程與設計 -以醒吾.交大經濟學課程為例
卷期 53
並列篇名 Developing and Designing an Open Online Course :with Examples from Economics Courses in HWU and NCTU
作者 譚經緯
頁次 127-162
關鍵字 經濟學線上開放悅趣式學習課程設計Economicsopen online coursegamed-based learningcurriculum design
出刊日期 201601


文以一大學經濟學入門課程為例,九年的實際運作及發展歷程為基礎,闡述主要 面臨之困難、立基之教學理念,以及如何會以悅趣式學習為堅持,從學習者本位思考, 並結合教學及學習理論設計課程,歷年來藉由國家型計畫資源及全國教學競賽方式精煉 內容,並以實徵分別檢驗個別課程活動及整體課程之教學成效的過程,最終針對近年來 全球趨勢的線上開放課程做調整之規劃說明,並報告最新運作之成果。 課程以促進學生學習動機為出發,特色是以問題及悅趣導向學習(problem and game-based learning)方法為根基,因應課程發展與學生背景,以業界及專家建議角度 設計融入在地文化的「成語主題」式單元、生活時事現象與懸疑推理問題之錨定教案, 配合競賽遊戲之情境教學活動,以及運用後設認知策略之歷年優秀作品同儕觀摩學習, 針對個人程度由淺入深的鷹架式數位學習配件,讓程度明顯差異之學生在極有限之時間 內都有機會掌握關鍵理論、內化並活用,輔以電腦網路學習系統觀察及紀錄學習者狀況, 更能即時反應學習與教學成效而不斷修正,最新於104學年度上學期首次推出兩岸目前 皆採計為通識學分、目前近50校1700位學生選課,超過半數為正式承認學分之華文經 濟學線上開放課程。


This essay takes a colledge Economics course for instance, discussing the designing and offering an open online course including of a teaching philosophy statement, why using problem and game-based learning methods, and the curriculum development process of national projects and teaching competitions. Based up the learner-centered learning and expert advice, this course was designed to promote students’ learning motivation. Using the “culture idiom theme " type unit, situated and anchored instruction, scaffolding learning accessories, meta-cognitive strategy of good works peer learning, combined with computer network and learning management systems to observe and record learners’ learning situation, the Chinese latest popular economics open online course is running.
