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篇名 莫特曼「彌賽亞基督論」的 猶太性關注之神學意涵
卷期 6
並列篇名 The Theological Significance of Jewishness Motif in J. Moltmann’s Messianic Christology
作者 (Kenneth Ting)
頁次 087-114
出刊日期 201411


莫特曼有關基督論議題的重要著作首先是1972年出版的《被釘十字架的上帝》,他長期醞釀的《耶穌基督的道路》1 終於在1989年面世。誠如林鴻信評介:《被釘十字架的上帝》「尚不是完整的基督論,乃是集中於十架神學的論述。」2 因此莫特曼的基督論研究,《耶穌基督的道路》應該是最具代表性與基礎性的研究文本。這並不否定無論在此書出版前後的著作中仍有基督論相關議題的涉獵。3 本文的旨趣是以「猶太性」作為考察重點,主要聚焦《耶穌基督的道路》進行分析,輔以莫氏其他著作的相關論述予以參照,再從整體神學的發展脈絡揣摩其對基督論的神學意涵。


Christology in western tradition has increasingly been accused of its inclination to a Hellenistic reading of Jesus Christ. Such criticism, which involves various issues, namely, the early church debate on the two-nature of Christ, the transition of OT theology to NT theology and its cultural tradition, and anti-Semitism in church history, reflects the direct or indirect negligence of the Judaic element in Christianity. In the tradition of western theology, any issues related to “Jewishness” would without exception fall into the area of ecclesiological discussion. It was the genius of Moltmann who saw Christology, not ecclesiology, as the fundamental concern of this historically complex issue. For this, he determined to make “Messianic Christology” as the frame by which to construct his third volume of Systematic Theology series, The Way of Jesus Christ, to point out that the Christ motif comprises historical progression and eschatological perspective, through which he attempted to paint a picture of mutually dependent theological prospect between the Jews and Christians, and from which he reflects deeply the potential deficiency and the possibility of opening new paths. This article first explains the Judaic background of Moltmann’s concerns, followed by an analysis of the structure and content of The Way of Jesus Christ. Finally, it points out how Moltmann’s Christology opens up a theological dialogue between Jewish and Christian communities. He claims that Protestant Christology lacks eschatological nature, while its eschatological perspective is confined by an inflated soteriology. On the other hand, he believes that Jewish eschatology suppresses salvific idea, and as a result, its Messianism could not accommodate Christology. Lastly, he expects the construct of Protestant Christology to be based on the appeal of the principle of faith, love and hope.

