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篇名 心悸中醫治療病例報告
卷期 20:2
並列篇名 Palpitation of 33-year-old woman: A case report
作者 楊淑媚蔡昆道
頁次 049-055
關鍵字 心悸心陰虛肝氣鬱滯palpitations heartyin vacuity liverqi depression
出刊日期 201508


患者為33 歲女性,無系統性疾患病史,平日在家帶小孩,自覺壓力大。患者自述以前 並無心悸的症狀,102 年4 月生完小孩後才發生輕微心悸的症狀,103 年1 月開始心悸、 胸悶的症狀變明顯,心悸在早上大約七點左右起床時較明顯,夜間身體發熱盜汗,胸悶 則是一整天都會,在左胸的位置有時會感到刺痛,她的睡眠品質也變差,難以入睡、眠 較淺而且早醒。曾至嘉義長庚心臟科就診,心電圖及血液檢驗皆無明顯異樣,服用西藥 後效果不彰。於是被轉診至身心科,在身心科門診就診三個月,服用抗憂鬱藥、安眠藥, 但心悸仍無改善。除心悸以外,患者偶有痛經、月經後期,另有小便頻數,健忘,頭暈, 腰背痠痛等症狀,她的舌暗紅,少苔,少津,脈細數。患者103 年7 月29 日開始至本 院中醫門診就診,服用中藥調治,平均每兩週回診一次,至今已半年,中醫診斷證屬心 陰不足兼肝氣鬱滯,中醫治療後心悸、胸悶的症狀已改善許多,證實中醫藥對心悸的治 療有極佳的療效。


33-year-old female patient with no history of systemic disease, live with her baby at home with consciously pressure. Patient reported no previous of heart , the palpitations begins after birth of a child at April 2013. The symptoms get worse in January 2014. The palpitations happens when get up in the morning. Chest tightness was noted in day time with tingling in the left chest position. Her sleep quality is poor, difficult to fall asleep, shallow sleep and wake up early. The electrocardiogram and blood tests are no obvious abnormalities. The symptoms don’t respond to antidepressants and somnifacients. Her tongue is dark red with little coating and less fluid. The pulse is rapid. The patient visit traditional Chinese medicine clinic on July 2014. TCM diagnosis is heart yin deficiency and liver qi stagnation. Palpitations and chest symptoms improved a lot after Chinese medicine treatment, confirmed Chinese medicine treatment for heart palpitations have well efficacy.
