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篇名 在時間與想像空間之間擺盪的敘事: 系統理論取徑的重構嘗試
卷期 14
並列篇名 Narrative as Oscillating Between Time and Imaginary Space: An Systems Theory’s Approach
作者 魯貴顯
頁次 001-024
出刊日期 201511


敘事的建構性質已為一般所接受,其貢獻在於製造事件的先後序列, 使世界變得可理解。但另一方面敘事又仰賴著實際發生過的事件,或是仰 賴於人的生活經驗與意義方式。時間因此淪為散亂世界中的順序鏈製造者 而已。但是,敘事本身是否也在時間中實現為敘事?這樣的反身思考就將 焦點轉移到敘事的當下性(Gegenwart)。 敘事,作為一個社會現實,來自於說與聽,或書寫與閱讀的交錯。敘 事的每一瞬間,理解處在某種程度上未規定的狀態,因而需要事件的起滅, 同時,來回穿梭於行動者所假定的真實與虛構、自我與他者、過去與未來 的邊界時,也編織出一個可供游移的空間,彷彿可以支配著時間的模態與 安排。 以G. Spencer Brown的形式理論來看,當系統自我觀察時,其本身運 作狀態是無法被明確規定,它具有兩個可行的解決選項,要實現此二選項, 就只能依靠時間,即,不斷地擺盪於兩選項之間。而這種來回擺盪,可以 被空間化,成為一個想像的點,它同時地存在於兩個選項之間。本文將以 此理論為基礎探討,由觀察者所造成的高度複雜性,使得敘事一方面使用 時間(事件的起滅),允許各種序列的安排,另一方面則進行空間化,促成 一個同時跨越真實與想像、說者與聽者的想像式空間,在其中人們組合出 各種時間性質,接受事物的未規定性等等。


Generally time is reduced as sequence chains to produce a social order. Accordingly sociology constructs the concept of actor which includes acting conditions, intention and cognition. Even in narrative or story telling this assumption of time works well. The narrative's reality but is not founded on what real happened, neither on plot nor being familiar to reader. The theoretical reflection which bases on Luhmann’s systems theory and George Spencer Brown’s form theory, refers to the concept of time, especially presence of telling and listing. Narrative is a form of communication in which every event happens in a moment and disappears immediately. It constitutes social dimension, namely the distinction teller/listener and creates a communicative space with two different states, specified and unspecified. According to Spencer Brown, time and memory should be two mechanisms that give one the possibility not only to cross boundaries also to create a stable expectation. Narrative’s reality therefore depends on the imaginary communicative space.

