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篇名 「莫拉克獨立新聞網」的報導主題與論述風格分析
卷期 14
並列篇名 The analysis of reporting themes and discourse characteristics of 88news.org
作者 傅維信Fu Wei-Hsin李安丙Li An-Bing
頁次 182-220
關鍵字 莫拉克獨立新聞網公民新聞內容分析批判論述分析主體88news.orgcitizen journalismcontent analysiscontent analysiscritical discourse analysissubjectivity
出刊日期 201511


2009年8月8日,莫拉克颱風重創台灣,當時劉兆玄前行政院院長聯 繫慈濟基金會,確立了以永久屋為主軸的重建政策。2009年9月29日, 網路公民新聞媒體一「莫拉克獨立新聞網」成立,立足於社區自主守望、 當地住民觀點對重建政策的理念與執行予以強烈批判。本文以「莫拉克獨 立新聞網」的417則報導為研究文本,運用內容分析與批判論述分析兩項 取徑,企圖掌握新聞網的新聞體裁、對政府及NGO評價,並且理解新聞 網如何批判重建政策、以及何為當地觀點的重建願景。 內容分析發現,「莫拉克獨立新聞網」展現可觀的採訪動能,逾八成 文章由新聞網有限人力提供;報導主題以重建計畫及批評意見為主,近五 成篇幅批判政府,對NGO的負面評價雖然低於一成五,但所引發的回響仍 值得重視。批判論述分析指出,新聞網對於永久屋政策的理論與執行層面 皆強烈批判;相對地,新聞網傳達當地住民主體意識的覺醒與爭取重建自 主權、原住民自治區設立的願景勾勒。論述風格論理、感性並存,且善用 比喻。總之,「莫拉克獨立新聞網」做為一個公民新聞媒體,提供了當地住 民論述行動的空間,其主體意識論述足以與主流意識型態(永久屋政策) 分庭抗禮。


On August 8th, 2009, super typhoon Morakot hit Taiwan. Right after the catastrophe, the Government and Tzu Chi Foundation have come up with a permanent housing project to help the victims. On September 29th, 2009, a citizen journalism website, 88news.org, has established. The website strongly criticizes the permanent housing policy and proposes a different reconstruction plan based on local citizens’ vision. This study examines 417 news stories of 88news.org by setting “homeland reconstruction” as the subject. This study uses content analysis to look over the major concerns and themes of this online citizen journalism. In order to have a better understanding, critical discourse analysis is also adopted to explore discursive contents, types of language, and characteristics of ideology. Content analysis finds that the major themes of 88news.org are “redevelopment plan” and “criticism.” Regarding news genre, “straight news” accounted for more than half of the coverage. As to the evaluation of the Government, 48.68% is negative. The negative evaluation of the NGOs accounted for only 14.63%. However, the media effect is worth to be noted. Critical discourse analysis indicates that the reports of 88news.org reveal the overwhelming criticism of the government reconstruction policy and practices. On the other hand, the subjectivity consciousness is empowered and the struggle for autonomous regions for local people is claimed. The characteristics of discourse are not only rational but also emotional. The reporting employs Journal of Communication & Culture No.14 metaphors as a means to cover stories as well. In short, the subjectivity consciousness in 88news.org can compete on equal terms with the mainstream ideology, namely the permanent housing plan.
