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篇名 智能障礙者健康體重計畫成效之探討-以花蓮地區某智能障礙照護機構院生為例
卷期 13:4
並列篇名 Effectiveness of a Healthy Body Weight Program on People with Intellectual Disabilities in an Intermediate Residential Care Facility
作者 黃筱寗呂宛真林木泉杜珍珠朱正一
頁次 233-254
關鍵字 智能障礙者健康體重計畫運動與飲食控制Intellectual disabilitieshealthy body weight programregular exercisediet control
出刊日期 201512


目的:本研究針對花蓮地區某智能障礙照護機構院生之健康體重計畫進行評估, 探討該計畫介入六個月後之減重成效。 方法:本研究為個案研究,參與者為花蓮縣某一以智能障礙者為主要服務對象之 教養院的全部院生,共129位。本研究依照不同住宿型態及障礙程度將院生 分為四個組別,藉由以運動為主、飲食控制為輔之健康體重計畫,評估成效 之測量則包含體重、身體質量指數(BMI)及腰圍測量。 結果:研究結果顯示,在體重、BMI、腹圍方面,以性別及年齡層分析,在統計上 皆無顯著差異。以體重分層分析,過輕組之體重及BMI 皆有顯著增加(p <.05);而過重組在體重、BMI、腹圍三項都有下降,但未達顯著;肥胖組 在體重及BMI 有顯著下降(p<.05);過重與肥胖組在體重及BMI 皆有顯 著下降(p<.05)。以組別分層分析時,樂活日間服務組、樂活組及就學組 皆無顯著差異(p>.05),但技藝陶冶組在體重、BMI 上皆有顯著下降(p <.05)。 結論:本研究雖成效上無法符合全部之預期,但在運動程度大的組別,及過輕、 過重和肥胖的組別上,都明顯呈現改善成效,故未來研究可延續本研究健 康體重計畫,拉長介入時間,以評估介入方案之長期效果。


Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the effectiveness of a healthy body weight program on people with intellectual disabilities residing in an intermediate residential care facility in Hualien, Taiwan. Methods: The study was a case study which included 129 subjects with intellectual disabilities involving in a ICF-based healthy body weight program. Participants were divided into four groups according to different types of accommodation and levels of disability. The healthy body weight program consisted of interventions of regular exercises and diet management. Body weight, BMI and waist circumference were the performance indicators relating to the healthy body weight program. Results: The results showed significant increases in weight and BMI for underweight group. And significant decreases in weight and BMI for obesity group as well as the combination of overweight and obesity groups. Also, there were significant decreases in weight and BMI in medium-to-high functioning residential care group. Conclusions: Although the effectiveness of the 6-month healthy body weight program did not meet all expectations, it does obviously see the improvement in groups of vigorous-intensity exercise, underweight, overweight as well as obesity groups. To extend the intervention time is essential to examine the long-term influence of the healthy body weight program on people with intellectual disabilities in the future.
