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篇名 花蓮縣身心障礙者就業需求與工作動機
卷期 13:4
並列篇名 Employment Needs and Work Motivation of People with Disabilities in Hualien
作者 陳怡伃李宜興王文娟嚴嘉楓
頁次 255-267
關鍵字 就業需求工作動機身心障礙者社區化就業服務Employment needswork motivationemployment servicepeople with disability
出刊日期 201512


目的:探討身障者整體就業需求的概況及地方特性,並分析其工作動機和性別、 障礙程度、就業狀態等因素的關係。 方法:本研究採用103 年花蓮縣身心障礙者生活狀況及各項需求評估調查,取該 調查符合勞動力年齡範圍的有效樣本為對象(N=438)。 結果:分析發現,花蓮縣身障者勞動參與率較全國來得高,但非典型就業的比例 也高,對就業資訊及媒合的需求最大,比例卻只有全國的一半;工作動機 以經濟壓力為主,尤其是未就業者,已就業者看重獨立自主,女性有較高 比例想透過工作獲得學習成長,障礙程度則未有顯著相關。 結論:建議相關就業服務發展社區化,並就工作動機落實身障者就業需求。


This study examines the employment needs and work motivation of people with disability in Hualien. The purpose is to identify the local characteristics with a needs perspective. The secondary data used was 2014 Physically and Mentally Disabled Citizens Living And Demand Assessment Survey, Hualien County, Taiwan. Only valid sample who were aged between 16 and 64 years old and self-identified able to work were included (N=438). In comparison with the 2011 national survey, people with disability in Hualien had higher employment participation rate and were more likely to be part-time or contract-out labors. They wanted job information badly but the degree of expecting the assistance from the government was lower than the national level. In exploration the relationship between work motivations and the key personal factors, financial pressure was stronger in the unemployed, independence was more appreciated by the employed, and the female looked for learning and growth from their work in relative to the male. Suggestions for localizing and personalizing the employment supports were made based on the findings.
