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篇名 中國傳統「內聖外王」思想的現代意涵
卷期 17:2
並列篇名 Nei-Sheng Wai-Wang Reconsidered and Revitalized
作者 盧國慶
頁次 071-081
出刊日期 199607


「内聖外王」之道,爲中國三代以來的每一個道统人物所共有,因此形成中國傳統文化的思想核 心;並兼具宗敎、道德與敎化的涵義。 惟自周道衰微,禮崩樂壞,堯舜禹三代一系的聖王思想,亦曰漸式微;一直到孔孟時代,才重新 得到承傳,並且有了超越性的創進。 中國聖王思想的傳統,到了近代,由於客觀環境限制,與西方文化的衝擊,已面臨失落的危機; 基於文化創進與返本開新的時代發展與需要,吾人實需重新詮釋,及拓構「内聖」與「外王」思想, 圓善精深的開闊義蘊。若歸結「内聖外王」思想的現代化方向,可以發現孫中山先生學説融通中西之長,併建道统、學 統、政統與蘊涵倫理、民主、科學的三民主義思想體系,正是中國哲學今後的發展途徑;也是中國現 代化的综合取向,這是兩岸中國人應深切認識與承續不絶的。


As philosophic as well as political thinking, Nei-sheng wai-wang (内聖夕卜王)characterizes each of logn line of rulers who epitomized the Orthodox Way (道、统)in Chinese history. The thinking had begun to take shape during the Yao (堯),Shun (舜),and Yu (禹)periods but had since been gradually relegated into obscurity until Confucius and Mencius expounded and brought it to light. Having vast religious, moral, and educational significance, Nei-sheng wai-wang is the central idea of LChinese culture. However, it has got lost in modern times owing to objective limitations and especially the impact of Western culture. The thinking, or rather the philosophy, now needs reinterpretation and restructuring so that it may take on a renewed form lending fresh impetus to the advance of Chinese culture. Nothing could better serve the purpose of revitalizing Nei-sheng wai-wang than Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s Three Principles of the people. The doctrine embodies what is better in China and in the West, represents the Orthodox Way of philosophy, learning, and government, and is a combination of ethics, democracy, and science. In other words, the Three Principles provides the right path along which Chinese philosophy and China’s modernization are to develop. Both sides of the Taiwan Strait must not only fully recognize this course of development, but, most importantly, work for its early fulfillment in the historical process.

